Some Utilities to help you boost your site. Just some extras to get you started.

Extra Utilities

Sitemap Generator

Google is awesome. If you are doing your SEO right, it can get you thousands of visitors without you having to lift your finger. However most of the time Google's indexing process is slow. But fear not, there is an easy solution: Google Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster Tools is a set of helpful apps to help you keep track of the indexing process. It also let you submit your sitemap to help Google's spiders.

Our Sitemap Generator utility will generate you a full sitemap of your site within seconds.

Fake Account Actions

Would you sign up for a site which seemingly doesn't have any active users? I guess not. This is why we created our Fake Account Actions utility.

This lightweight little app will help you make your site look active by making the following fake actions:

  • Create realistic user accounts with profile photos and usernames which look real
  • Vote on random deals and coupons
  • Assign coupons and deals added by couponFeed to some of the generated fake users so it looks like they submitted it
  • Favorite stores